Kids Joining Eternity’s 10th Annual Kick-Off Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Ceremony will be held on Sunday, September 29, 2024, from 4:00-5:30 pm in Park House at the Northeast corner of the Myriad Botanical Gardens.
We are honored to assist our families who have lost children by remembering and honoring them in a special ceremony. We will have memorial rock painting and two speakers for the evening. A family who you will definitely want to hear from: one of our Board members, Jeff McElroy, and his wife, Jennifer McElroy, will be sharing their story and their sweet memories of Gabriel. Jennifer is also an active volunteer for Kids Joining Eternity by calling on our moms and meeting with them to help get them acclimated to our other families. In addition, we will also have candles to send home for families to light in private at 7:00 pm on October 15, National Wave of Light Day and we will conclude the ceremony by saying all our babies names out loud. The entire family is welcome as we will be serving appetizers. Our event is FREE of charge and open to everyone, extended family included, who wishes to attend.
Lastly, we will remind everyone the location of our Kids Joining Eternity’s bench that we donated to the Gardens. We wanted to give back to our community and provide a year-round family oriented place for those families who did not have a graveside to go to so they could honor those family members that have passed on before them. We feel the location is perfect, the bench is on the west side of Park House down by the pond on the south side before you get to the Crystal Bridge. Once again, we appreciate Maureen and the Gardens for their assistance in getting this installed.
Parking will not be provided the night of the event but can be found around the Myriad Gardens or in the Cox Convention Center parking garage across the street. If you have any questions, feel free to contact (405) 778-4983.
To rsvp so we can know how many, please contact Melanie Edwards at: [email protected].
We hope to see everyone there!
Mark your calendars now for 2024…our 10th ceremony will be held on Sunday, September 29, 2024, 4:00-5:30pm at Park House in the Myriad Botanical Gardens. Click below to watch: video credit Board member-Adrianna White.